What’s perfect?

Do you really believe in a perfect life? Happy endings? Fairy tales?

We as a generation, I feel, are under tremendous pressure to make everything perfect! Whether it’s our personal life or career or dreams or for that matter our Instagram posts (pun intended). We have been hearing all sorts of fairy tales while we were young, we grew up watching all those perfect love stories (courtesy bollywood), we are now struggling to get that ‘perfect life’ where we can post our travel pictures almost every week, have that ‘perfect job’ that can give us big cheques and lots of holidays!

Can life really be picture perfect? Just think about it, even the most magical moment of giving birth to a new life is technically all about chaos, mess and a lot of pain! What’s so perfect about it? You would say the baby, but what about the sleepless nights after the birth. (No, I am neither sad nor cribbing).

All I am trying to say is, we as a generation, are burdening ourselves with an impossible expectation of having everything perfect!

Let’s pause for a while and think, what really is perfect?

Honestly, nothing. Let’s face it, there is nothing as happy ending, life has just one ending, and for everything else ‘the show must go on’.

It’s all about perception! For some their picture perfect moment could be the birth of their child, for some it could be a divorce! You create moments, and when you look back you realize they were perfect!

Stop being so hard on yourself, to have that perfect life you saw someone posting about on their Instagram! Let’s be fair to the life that we have been given, we can’t be happy all the time, neither can be sad. There will be lull moments as well, when you don’t know what are you doing and where you are headed. Let that blankness sink in, it’s okay. Be happy, be sad, be frustrated, be angry, be expressive, be silent, be what you want, just stop being perfect.

Perfect doesn’t exist!

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